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60 seconds with… Powwow’s Amanda Edgecumbe

We catch up with inVOYAGE 2018 attendee and Powwow founder and director Amanda Edgcumbe on celebrating 20 years, industry trends and what’s on her bucket list…

“I really can’t believe that Powwow celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. I started in this industry many years ago at a corporate management consultancy which was crucial in teaching me how to listen and to be more consultative towards clients. I learned how to get under their skin to find out and work with them to fulfil their objectives.

This has definitely influenced the way Powwow works today. People buy from people and you have to surround yourself with bright, capable people who you enjoy being around. Get your team right and you are onto something. I think our team is exceptional and our clients think so too. We always put service, excellence and attention to detail at the top of the agenda.”

Brand promise…
We are an independently owned global creative events agency that design and deliver high-end global events offering the best creative solutions, with and an outstanding level of service. We offer a bespoke service often acting as an extension to any team. Key to our success is our ability to create trusting, meaningful relationships, using our integrity and to keep our clients objectives at the forefront of what we do.

What’s trending in 2018?
Creating ‘money can’t buy’ experiences and delivering amazing events with a WOW factor, enabling you and your event to ‘stand out’.  This doesn’t have to be a done on a massive budget, it just takes a lot of thought.

And what can we expect in 2019?
Personalised agendas to make people feel special and included, strategies with a strong CSR element, venues in more unusual destinations with back to basics agendas, and menu’s based on sustainability where dietary preferences are the norm in menu selection. Embracing new technologies such as AI and using apps and social media channels to develop online communities.

Luxury defined in 140 characters…
Luxury means a beautiful hotel with every detail taken care of before you can even think it’s missing and time to enjoy it.

Townhouse or treehouse?
I love all properties as long as the above happens. I could be staying in a log cabin or a luxury five-star city hotel, but if it has everything you need in terms of comfort and serenity it will do. Oh and it has to have a bath tub!

The bucket list
Oh there are so many I don’t know where to start. Any of the Aman properties, exploring South America and a trip on the Trans-Siberian Express would be amazing.

Last meal
Li Velli in Covent Garden – best Italian food outside of Italy.

Old fave
I have three go to favourites, Dukes, The Stafford and The Ritz – my old stomping ground.

Proud moment
With the help of my fantastic team, I’m unbelievably proud of getting Powwow to 20 years.

Bragging rights…
Apart from being bitten by a black widow spider onsite in Arizona and surviving, glamping in Petra and digging on the site itself, tea for two in an empty meeting room with Steve Redgrave, meeting Bill Clinton, and a helicopter tour over Cape of Good Hope.

It’s all in the detail…
We love our jobs – if you didn’t you couldn’t do it because you couldn’t cope with the challenges that come with each and every day.

What inspires you?
I am inspired by the wealth of everyday opportunities. If you are looking for it you can find it. I believe you make your own luck and you have to seize the day ‘carpe diem’ etc.  I try to instil this into my three grown up children who are my inspiration. I’d like to leave a wonderful legacy and believe that I have so far lived life to the full.

Aperol or agua?
I am a champagne girl at heart.

Final word…
This is one of the best jobs in the world – if you get that Sunday night feeling, stop doing your job and do something else!