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Meet the inCROWD: Esther ‘T Hoen @ W Amsterdam

In our latest inCROWD interview, we chat with Esther ‘T Hoen, senior sales manager at W Amsterdam, about why luxury is all in the detail, memorable events and never taking the easy road.

Esther started her hospitality career with internships in Aruba and London, before moving back to Amsterdam where she got the opportunity to be part of the opening of W Amsterdam and joined the Events team.

“After a few years in the events department, I moved to the sales team and looked after the MICE segment for entire Europe. I gradually got more responsibilities and took over the American market and travel industry segment,” she says.

My favourite #inVOYAGEMoment is…
the second time I attended InVOYAGE in Monaco. I had never been to Monaco before and the location had been chosen so well. I always look forward to InVOYAGE as it always feels so welcoming and like any industry event, it’s the people that make it truly memorable. 

The thing I most love about working in events is… how it brings people together, whether that is working on an event or going to a trade show to meet with clients, there’s always a great vibe! For me it almost does not feel as a job because I am always looking forward to representing my property wherever I go. 

Luxury to me means… that wherever you are staying, the staff genuinely cares and is interested in you. At W we try to catch the small things that guests share during interactions, this way we can personalise their stay and make it as memorable as possible with what we call  “whatever/whenever” moments. When it happened to me during my stay at another hotel, I just felt so special!

Earliest travel memory?
As a child we used to visit Italy a lot. Sometimes we crave far-away destinations and we forget there is just so many spots to explore nearby. When I was a child I did not enjoy strolling around through Rome that much but now I am grateful that I got to see so many historical landmarks. Besides that, I have very fond memories of the Amalfi Coast which I am really dying to get back to. 

City slicker or beach bum?
Definitely a city slicker, there’s always so much to explore. I love exploring local restaurants and try to find insider spots. Whenever work takes me places, I do my research on where I should dine so I get a glimpse of the local culture.

If you could get on a plane right now, where would you fly and why?
Berlin! My parents-in-law live there, and we normally go quite often. Sadly we could not make it for Christmas this year due to all the restrictions. For me celebrating Christmas there is always extra festive with the Christmas markets and the gluhwein!

Suitcase essentials?
Unfortunately, we do not get that many sun days here in the Netherlands, so I easily burn, that’s why I make sure to bring my sunblock everywhere. Besides that, I always have a little travel kit ready with all the essentials, so I can pack it easily. 

Favourite hidden gem?
Last January, we travelled to New Zealand. One of the first spots we camped at was Lake Pukaki on the South Island. The icy blue water together with the mountains and lilac flowers was just so stunningly beautiful. The pictures don’t do it justice. 

Most memorable event moment…
We hosted a very well-known company for gaming consoles at W.  They completely transformed our main meeting room to a giant gaming area to launch their newest console. Our 5x3 video wall was just perfect for this event. I think it’s just fantastic to see how any company or brand uses our canvas to create a unique event. 

I always try to do the things that scare me a little bit, so I try to avoid the easy road. When I was 19, I did my first internship on the Caribbean Island Aruba. I found it very scary at the time, but looking back now, I learned so much.  

When I’m not working, I’m most likely to be… at the stables where I look after and ride horses or at the gym. Besides that I love to hang out with my friends and go for long lunches or dinners. 

When the pandemic is over, I am most looking forward to… the return of live events! Although virtual events got us through this time, it’s really not the same as seeing each other live. I miss making the connections with people. This past year has shown me how important it is to see people and how valuable networking is.