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Hermes Group's Rebecca Pettersson

In our latest inCROWD interview, we catch up with Rebecca Pettersson, COO at Swedish agency Hermes Group, on discovering her passion for travel (and the luxury of doughnuts for breakfast) as a child in New York, why sustainability is the new luxury, and her love of the Swedish forest.

Rebecca’s career started eight years ago with a one-way ticket to Dubai. “I decided to go on an adventure, step out of my safe zone and challenge myself. I ended up taking a position as an event coordinator for a local event company doing commercial events, which was my first taste of the event industry,” she says.

After being in Dubai for a year and a half, she moved back to Sweden and continued to drive communication and marketing for events in Dubai while she established herself in the event world in Stockholm through various freelance jobs, before joining Hermes Group. “I stepped into the office at Hermes and straight away felt that I belonged there. Today, six years later, I am proud to be the COO and get the chance to work with great people every day, creating sustainable event experiences for our clients.” 

My favourite #inVOYAGEMoment is… the first dinner party at inVOYAGE Monaco 2019. I didn't know what to expect, but it exceeded all expectations. Fantastic food, beautiful venue, mind-blowing entertainment and it was great to meet and mingle with so many fantastic people that share the same passions as me. I hope to get the chance to experience many more #inVOYAGEMoments in the future!

The thing I most love about working in events is… the challenge of capturing a vision from a client and surpassing it to create that wow feeling. And of course all the great people you meet and get the honour of working with! It is a beautiful industry with service-minded people who all work hard to accomplish great things and experiences together.

Luxury to me is… when you feel that someone has put in some extra energy and thought, when it’s personal and genuine. I also think sustainability is the new luxury – when you get the chance to travel without affecting our beautiful planet. That enables you to have a clear conscience, so you can really relax, trust and just enjoy the moment.

Luxury and sustainability have been connected for ages without people thinking of it. For example, most luxury restaurants are very picky in their choice of raw materials. They make it very clear that it is locally or self-produced, they cook everything to order and work with the entire product which minimises food waste.

My passion for travelling started… in the middle of the crowded streets between the skyscrapers in Manhattan, New York. I was there for a family wedding. It was a totally different world that I got to experience, which I never had seen before or even knew existed. I felt so small in this big city. This was also where I got to experience luxury for the first time. As a six-year-old, my luxury was to have doughnuts with pink sprinkles for breakfast and discover that you only had to raise your hand to get a car to stop and drive you wherever you wanted to go.

City slicker or beach bum?
Do I have to choose? I am definitely a beach bum by day and a city slicker by night. So, a destination that offers both is my ideal trip. I prefer to start the day in a relaxed environment with a walk and then some sunbathing followed by dressing up and feeling the vibe of the city. 

If I could get on a plane right now, I would fly to… South Africa because I’ve wanted to travel there ever since I was a kid. My sister and I watched way too much Animal Planet on TV and dreamed of going to South Africa to see these wild animals in real life. I also want to experience the beautiful landscapes, the culture, mind-blowing adventures and travelling around the fantastic wine regions trying exceptional wines from the new world. I hope one day I get to experience it!  

Suitcase essentials
I'm the worst at packing my bag, because I want to bring everything! I would probably bring my whole apartment and wardrobe if that could fit. But the one thing I always bring is a scented candle. It creates that homely atmosphere even if you are out traveling. After a long day exploring a new place, I love coming back to the hotel room and just relaxing. And what better way than putting on the robe, lighting a candle and enjoying a glass of wine before going to sleep?

My favourite hidden gem is… the Swedish forest. I really appreciate and love all the beautiful places, hotels and restaurants I have had the honour to visit, but it is in the forest where I can really relax and be 100% in the moment. It reminds me of my childhood when my sister and I were horseback riding in the forest on our ponies, just having the best time ever, talking about everything without anyone hearing us and feeling disconnected from the real world. When I need to clear my mind, appreciate the moment or replenish my energy, the forest is definitely my favourite gem!

Most memorable event moment…
I have so many great event moments which make it hard to just pinpoint the one that is the best! But one that is memorable, to say the least, is when I was due to host an event at the Tower of London in 2018. First of all, I never thought that I would get the opportunity to host events at places like this. But what was truly memorable was the panic in having to change the event venue for the gala dinner a few days before the event.

After being informed of new sound restrictions at the original venue. We were so lucky that the Old Billingsgate (walking distance from Tower of London) venue had ONE free date for the whole year, and that was on that Saturday a few weeks before Christmas that we were supposed to host our event.

I remember jumping on the first plane to London to solve this big mess. Together with the suppliers and my fantastic team we managed to put together the best event we have ever hosted. It became a big success and the feeling of standing on the balcony that night watching over people celebrating, having fun, and experiencing an unforgettable event after days of working around the clock was the best feeling!  

Do you have a mantra you live and work by?
It might sound very cheesy, but my mantra is: if you are not happy with what you are doing, change it! Life's too short to go around not enjoying every moment of it. So, if you’re not happy with where you are, do not complain, just try to change it. 

When I’m not working, I’m most likely to be… hanging out with my sister. She is my best friend, and we do everything together. Working out, going for long walks and hikes, cooking, drinking wine, playing padel tennis, travelling and much more. Of course, I also make time to hang out with friends and the rest of my family as much as possible.  

When the pandemic is over, I am most looking forward to… hosting and attending events again. Real events, the physical ones when you get to meet and share energy and experience with each other. And of course, hug and plan fun things with all my family and friends again!