Take part in our annual survey on luxury event trends


We’re delighted to announce that we are kicking off our second annual survey on key trends in the luxury events sector, and we need your views!

The survey results will form the basis for our second annual report, a collection of exclusive articles aimed at providing #eventprofs with an in-depth overview of the state of the luxury events market, with insight and interviews from industry experts on both the buyer and supplier side.

Take part in the survey now

The survey should only take a few minutes of your time and we’d love to get as many of our inVOYAGERs involved and taking part as possible. The more responses we get – the better a picture we can build of the industry and the more valuable insights we can provide within the report.

Download our 2019 annual report

This year’s report will explore key trends around the globe and list the top emerging destinations for meetings and incentives and hottest upcoming hotel openings planned for 2020 and beyond. It will also feature an in-depth focus on sustainability, which was a key theme at inVOYAGE 2019 in Monaco in October.

If you would like to contribute to the report, please email susie@invoyage.net

If you are interested in sponsoring the report, please email richard@invoyage.net


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