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Richard’s Blog : Looking forward to 2021

a year of change, development and reconnection

With the festive season well and truly upon us, we reflect on what a year it has been… perhaps “challenging” is the first word that springs to mind!

Postponing events, closing workplaces, furloughing teams are the least of what many of us have been involved in, so our thoughts turn to those who have faced tougher challenges and changes during the course of this year.

Yet we have also seen silver linings in the form of community spirit, heightened awareness of mental health, a greater drive for racial equality and workplace diversity as well as a renewed focus on climate change.

So, we look forward to 2021 and beyond with a sense of hope, optimism and resolve. A human determination to rebuild, rewire and reignite.

The inVOYAGE team is passionate about bringing people together to create meaningful connections and business endeavour, so not being able to deliver a live event in 2020 was difficult in the extreme, but we feel fortunate to have such an amazing community of inVOYAGERS all so positive for 2021.

Thanks to recent and positive news around vaccines, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

It has always been a case of when, and not if, live events will come back! We are hopeful that the rollout of vaccines, combined with events professionals’ commitment and determination to deliver safe events, will be what we all need to fuel industry-wide recovery.

No individual is an island and more than ever that I am convinced of our propensity to thrive on social interaction and shared experiences.  If we ever needed proof that events are essential, 2020 has certainly given us this, and not only for doing business, but also for our mental health and wellbeing.

There is a clear pent-up demand for travel and events, as shown by the latest Incentive Travel Industry Index.

At inVOYAGE HQ we have been busily planning for our return to live with enthusiasm, optimism and the upmost care for our inVOYAGERS wellbeing.

We have also been preparing a raft of new engagement activations to be rolled out in the New Year that harness the strength and depth of our community and the digital content opportunities around this.

I hope for 2021 to be a year of change, development and a reconnect like never before.

Our inVOYAGE events will offer unique three-day experiences, featuring leadership content, networking events and immersive experiences to inspire your knowledge, creativity and top-level connections on an intimate yet international scale.

As a team we are enthused and excited to connect with our community again in 2021 both live and through digital.

 I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have already signed up to our events in 2021 and also our hugely loyal community that continues to engage and interact through our digital content and social media.

In the meantime, and on behalf of all the team here at inVOYAGE, I would like to wish each and every one of you a wonderful festive break and an incredibly happy and rewarding New Year.

With warm regards,

Richard Joslin