Experience This: New culinary adventures with Silversea


Silversea Cruises has unveiled a mouth-watering new culinary programme designed to enable guests to discover new tastes, dining experiences and demonstrations.

The ‘culinary enrichment’ programme known as S.A.L.T – Sea and Land Taste —has been designed in collaboration with Adam Sachs, a leading food and travel journalist and culinary raconteur, and will coincide with the launch of Silver Moon in August 2020.

Adam Sachs

The programme will be tailored to the trips, incorporating both ship-based and land-based experiences including market trips, winery visits and dining experiences in regional restaurants and bars.

Curated culinary experiences will also include special dinners with guest hosts, food lectures from regional experts and demonstrations from local chefs.

A dedicated S.A.L.T. Lab will offer a culinary backdrop for guests to explore cultures from across the globe, while a rotating menu will be served at the new S.A.L.T. restaurant, which will offer serve regional cuisine that correspond with each sailed destination.


60 seconds with… Con Questa’s Patrick Smit


Checking In: Palazzo Daniele