60 seconds with… Emily Wilcockson, Director of E.C.Events


“After working in events for 10 years I have successfully delivered major and demanding events, both nationally and internationally on brief, on time and on budget and I still love it! I enjoy being active and experiencing as much as I can and I believe the early bird catches the worm so most often I’ll be up raring and ready to go (with a lovely coffee in hand!),” says Emily Wilcockson, director of E.C. Events and inVOYAGE 2019 attendee.

Brand promise…
A genuine passion to deliver an outstanding service that starts from the heart and ends with the client believing we went above and beyond what was expected.

What’s trending in 2019?
I have seen a huge shift with event planners using systems such as Salesforce. Whilst it may seem hard for us to say goodbye to old school spreadsheets, I believe these platforms will be the way forward. Event management platforms can assist both organisers/attendees, promoting agility and engagement, security and data collection = winning!

Wellness is also still a big trend that will continue to grow and quite rightly so given how hard people work these days. True investment starts in people’s health – both in body and mind.

Luxury defined in 140 characters…
Luxury is when I truly feel grateful and lucky for what I have, and I am in a relaxing environment. This can be through service and comfort, but ultimately it is when I am feeling content and happy, be it when I am away travelling for business or simply with friends and family.

Townhouse or treehouse?
I would genuinely say either. Day to day I would pick the townhouse, but I would never turn down an experience in a treehouse. I can rough it whenever it requires but maybe it could be a luxury treehouse so I kind of get both!

The bucket list
The list is added to every day, especially working in the events world! Monaco was on it so thanks to inVOYAGE I can tick that off… if there is a helicopter ride offered on this trip that would kill two birds with one ‘shiny’ stone!

Last meal
I was treated to a lovely evening at Lucky Cat… I felt like a lucky cat indeed!

Old fave
I do love The Rosewood but perhaps that has something to do with the extensive gin bar and heated seated area in the beautiful courtyard.

Proud moment
Taking the leap and setting up my own limited company and signing my first contract.

Bragging rights…
As jobs go, I feel lucky to have mine. There are tough and long days, but I know I can brag about the places my work takes me, the things I experience and the wonderful and talented people I meet. No day is ever the same…

It’s all in the detail…
Cross checking is key and something that is a true must in events. Aside from detail, a smile can get you a long way and makes everyone feel much better whatever is going on pre, post or live event!

What inspires you?
Knowing how many wonderful experiences, places and people are out there to engage and enjoy. I live by the phrase that Your body achieves what your mind believes!

Final word…
Events can be incredibly stressful but what a world to be part of!


How diverse are we really in our industry?


Checking In… Il Salviatino Italy