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Island hopping in Indonesia with… Basia Dudziak

Basia Dudziak, former key account manager at cievents and 2018 inVOYAGER, is currently taking time out to travel the world and tick off her bucket list. And she’s sharing her amazing journey with us through her travel blog – Miss B Around The World. In her third instalment, she explores the islands of Indonesia…

Island hopping around the largest archipelago in the world

Where do you even begin? … a whole lifetime would not be enough to visit over 17,000 islands of Indonesia… but you can certainly make a good start! It was hard to part with Bali, however, the abundance of Indonesian islands was too tempting not to have a little flavour at least, so that insatiable wanderlust of mine won again. In order to  get a better idea of the incredible variety of landscapes and vegetation across different islands I popped over to Nusa Penida for its dramatic coastlines, Gili Islands for the dreamy beaches and unbeatable sunsets, Lombok for the still unspoilt mixture of all and more that Bali offers, and finished off with Java for the thrill of hiking not one, but two volcanoes within 48hrs and finishing off with a cherry on top… the largest Buddhist temple in the world Borobudur. 

The dramatic coastline of Nusa Penida

Your motorbiking skills will be seriously tested in Nusa Penida. The roads (or lack thereof)  are not for the faint hearted, but in return you are  rewarded with the striking views of the turquoise sea and pristine beaches  hidden amongst the dramatic coastal rock formations, such as the Kellinking Beach (the famous T-Rex) or the breathtaking Diamond Beach where you have to earn the right of access by combatting a death defying descend. Finish off the day with a sunset at the Crystal Bay where you can hang out with the locals, and if you are lucky, like me, join an impromptu beach party.

The sunsets of the Gili Islands

The Gili Islands will be much kinder to your adrenaline levels… they will lure you in with their ridiculously blue sea and golden beaches, invite you to swim with an abundance of tropical fish and  follow sea turtles. Life slows down in this little paradise where you while your time away cycling between daytime beach and the sunset point and sipping on colourful refreshments in between. But beware of the crimson sunsets and laid back vibe  on those car and moto free islands as they will make you want to stay forever, and for a brief moment of insanity, you will actually consider it! 

The adventure on Lombok

Lombok is, as many would claim, what Bali used to be before it got invaded by mass tourism. Very different in its atmosphere with an incredibly varied and still unspoilt scenery, it boasts some impressive waterfalls, the imposing volcano of Mount Rinjani, lush rice fields and tropical forests as well as untouched beaches. That’s where you can also encounter adventure, especially if motorbiking around the Rinjani volcano you get lost in the dark in a complete and blinding downpour like me, and need to knock on someone’s door for shelter and food and yet again are amazed by the hospitality of the locals…true story.